Wye Valley Brewery

Wye Valley Brewery - Process - Pubs - Portraits by Tom Glendinning

Wye Valley Brewery rebranded last year, seen here before for the Hopfather Anniversary Beer shoot.

I worked with them producing new imagery for their website. Over multiple shoots I covered the brewing process from start to finish in their state-of-the-art brewery, made portraits of their fantastic team and architectural photos of the WVB pubs across Herefordshire.

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'The Hopfather' Wye Valley Brewery by Tom Glendinning

Wye Valley Brewery contacted me after finding my Herefordshire Landscapes series, to discuss ideas for new content for their upcoming anniversary beer and new calendar. I was pretty excited, I am quite a fan of their work.

An initial plan was for landscapes along with a few portraits to compare the current Hopfather (Vernon Amor) in their new brewery to photographs of the founder (Peter Amor), when he started out brewing in the back of the Barrels in Hereford.

After a conversation with the marketing team this beautifully spiralled somewhat out of control…

What resulted was a full set of portraits and staged action shots, portraying the WVB team as the family run and tight knit business that they are, with a mafiso edge…

The anniversary beer is called ‘The Hopfather’ after all.

These were made into a calendar, can be found all about their distribution area on dripmats and I also discovered their brilliant, movie style advert recently:

Below: Some of the team swiftly load the branded getaway mini - strictly overseen by Abbie, in the name of a drama playing out inside their photographers head.

Despite how grim everyone looks this is possibly the most fun shoot I have ever made. Enormous thanks to the whole incredible team for being so game to act out my ludicrous Godfather themed ideas “..so Scouse, you’ve just brutally murdered this chap right, he’ll be on the floor covered in fake blood and I want you to shower off in the emergency chemical shower...”  

Thanks to Peter Glendinning for getting involved with great suggestions and supplying the essential hop backdrop, as well as for all his work in creating the hop varieties of the future (Jester starring in the ad above being one). Extra special thanks to marketing Abbie Gadd and Isobel Heywood for all their incredible input, organisation and assistance.

Also of course to Peter and Vernon, for looking the part so completely “... look really grim, perhaps dour is a better word - yes perfect hold that face” and for creating really amazing beer as well.

As usual you also can view the whole set on Flickr