Continuation of posts covering Barcelona.
This is a selection of 'architectural' photography from around the city. With the below evidence in conjunction with the streetscape atmosphere shown in the street photography post, perhaps you can see why I would really like to live here.
Everything seems to have a concession, however small, to being fun and/or beautiful. Also the sheer density of different varieties and artistic statements taking form as buildings, street lamps or creative and humorous graffiti on street signs. (This is not shown here but if you've wandered around Barri Graciá you probably know what I mean).
Sagrada Familia to follow shortly in it's own post.
Yes I did go to the Barcelona Pavillion, but frankly, meh - I felt no glory of architecture there, just observed some
expensive walls. The pools were nice... Also my photos from there were quite crap.
I don't feel this set is any where near as successful and my concerted efforts at street photography, but as a pleasant record of the places I strolled around and dreamt about walking past every day, I am happy.
So, Barcelona:
As usual you also can view the set on Flickr
As always cutting criticism and comments via email ( or
, are hugely helpful and welcome.
1. An Architects Demons
2. Balconies I would like to live 1
3. Crane Spider Silk 1
4. Crane Spider Silk 2
5. Gòtic
6. Crane Spider Silk 3
7. Casas Amatller y Batlló
8. Passeig de Gràcia
9. Falqués Street Lamp
10. Balconies I would like to live 2
11. Balconies I would like to live 3