Summer Skies / by Mister Tom

Of late I have been struck again and again by quite how much I love clouds and skies - the way a simple haze or some grey fluffy numbers can give everything else a unique atmosphere. Unfortunately I haven't been in a position to pursue much photographing at the right time and place, I need to be someplace considerably wilder to make proper use of my favourite dramatic cloud formations. 
Anyhow this evenings display was of particular beauty, looking like an ambiguous painting unfolding towards you, so I took a few.
I always like cloud photos too much, so please tell me which is the most striking and/or of interest to you.
More photos on this post - 'Mackrel Skies'. My Mum and her Dad always call these dappled cloud formations mackrel sky. My Granddad would get in his boat and go fishing. I like how they appear and dissolve in such short time.

Also a shout out to everyone who knows the cloud watchers society.