Swallows, Swifts and Martins / by Mister Tom

Well well! Now we actually have some sun and warm evenings as befit the time of year, I wanted to get a photo of swallows and their contemporaries in flight. 
This is horrendously difficult, and good results feel more accidental than anything. So this is a learning post - hopefully with updates to come if I improve. DEFINITE need for even bigger lenses, you can really see why you need to spend the money to get the speed and sharpness for this type of nature photography, even in perfect evening light conditions. 

For all of these taken in different places the atmosphere was the same - warm, heady, flower scented summer evening air, and scores of swift, flitting, agile dancers pirouetting in the sky, just out of reach, too involved in their lightening lives to be bothered by the earth-bound keeping them company.

Every shot is manually focused (I doubt any AF can keep up), which means one has to shoot by feel, but it does make it terribly fun, and the skill of aiming and guesswork akin to hunting. No, not hunting, like playing tag. With a swallow.

Yeah I lost.

Well these are the best offerings I have I am afraid. Hopefully there will be more and better. However, sometimes it's nice just to feel involved and happy with photography, and sod the results - their like tips, it's the doing that counts sometimes.
At least, that thought encourages me when I don't feel as good as I want just yet, and that every minute behind the lens is a good minute that will yield results in time.
So it might as well be enjoyable.