I have been covering a lot of indoor climbing events this winter.
Directly as a result of this came a commission for the National Indoor Bouldering Award Scheme (NIBAS). They are setting up the scheme to follow a similar programme for roped climbing. This provides teaching, training manuals and log books to help direct kids and schools as they learn the ropes (or in this case, boulders).
I was given a brief to produce a selection of imagery for this purpose, got in touch with the very talented TCA youth squad and subsequently also Bristol Grammar School, then organised some really great shoots.
All the climbers, right down to the weeniest of them were great with helping me out getting the shots I needed.
I didn’t take the posed element as far as I might have (introducing better lighting would have helped tremendously). Instead I wanted to capture the climbing as if it were another competition, me in the sidelines catching the action. This meant more opportunities for variety of shots at the expense of noise and light quality.
As usual you also can view this set on
As always cutting criticism and comments via email (tomglendinning.photography@gmail.com) or facebook, are hugely helpful and welcome.
If you don't like something then please, tell me - Also try to articulate why, it is tremendously useful to have constructive, critical feedback. You can view my full portfolio, contact and pricing information on my WEBSITE - tomglendinning.co.uk