Could have done with a tripod on this one. At least I had my new rain cover. Taken on linear park during a short walk in the rain with Bobby the day after the summer ball, marking the very end of our degree. Comments please! Still very new to macro photography so all criticism welcome.
Shot with canon 100mm macro f2.8. Post process was primarily colour tint balance and mid tonal contrast. Also experimenting for the first time with some selective sharpening instead of using general definition; to bring out the detail out and add depth, without losing background softness.
Now uni is over (hurrah) I can sort and publish some of my backlogged photos and get going on some new projects. With any luck I will also have a website soon.
I couldn't choose between these two.
Shot with canon 100mm macro f2.8. Post process was primarily colour tint balance and mid tonal contrast. Also experimenting for the first time with some selective sharpening instead of using general definition; to bring out the detail out and add depth, without losing background softness.
Now uni is over (hurrah) I can sort and publish some of my backlogged photos and get going on some new projects. With any luck I will also have a website soon.
I couldn't choose between these two.