Short break in chronology. This is from April.
I am playing catch up with the photos of the last few months.
This set was taken on wet and windy walks over the more civilised edges of Dartmoor when visiting Mungo down in Devon.
Nothing hugely noteworthy I feel, just a few shots I liked. My version of holiday snaps ;)
I would really like to go back and traipse across the moors in the wild wind more extensively.
Firstly it makes me fall in love with my waterproof even more.
Secondly it is a perfect feeling of endless horizons and being very small. Like the ocean but made of tough grass and rock.
Thirdly with the 7D being weather sealed I would feel a lot more comfortable about damp camera, despite my nylon cover performing surprisingly well in horizontal rain.
As usual you also can view the set on Flickr
As always cutting criticism and comments via email ( or
, are hugely helpful and welcome.
If you don't like something then please tell me - and try to articulate why, it is tremendously useful to have feedback like this.
untitled horizon (1)
Bleak (2)
Lean into the wind (3)
...For the night is dark and full of terrors (4)
Herdsman (5)
Blue Rain (6)
Patrol (7)
Patrol (8)
untitled horizon (9)