I haven't taken as many snow photographs as I expected I might during this wonderful white week.
However this is the set I made walking on Widcombe hill behind my flat. It's snowing right now, and I have a good view of the white dusted trees on the horizon blending into the heavy grey sky.
All shot with my new tripod on the trusty 100mm.
Post is largely, as you can tell, black colour balance to a red tint. A process most successful I think, on the first photograph: where the closer, darker band of trees is brought into relief with the layered colour.
1 & 8 were taken with 'Layered Landscapes' very much in mind - it would be interesting to repeat this series using only true landscapes (no seas). On the remainder I focused on the contrast or lack thereof which the snow brought out of certain elements, like tree-tops.
In other news the website is growing nearer to completion! http://tgproject.bmad-designs.com/ to see it in progress.
This has been a very exciting process for me. (ALL compliments to Ani, who is rather marvellously making it for me gratis - I love it.)
The forced organisation and realisation of my work recently (the website and Boston's exhibition, printing landscapes for christmas presents) has led to an increased purposefulness to my photography which has been growing ever since the summer. I am planning individual shots and projects more. Holding my aims in more clearly mind when wandering camera-in-hand is getting better shots I feel.
Photo time.
Comments as always much appreciated.