Another cloud post.
The sky this day was truly incredible, I'm not sure I managed to capture quite how surreal it felt, never before have I seen a sky quite like this, appearing as though an abstract artist had wistfully sculpted a fluffy, creamy medium across a blue canvas into troughs and rhythms using a palette knife, unaware of the swirling wispy detail created in passing.
Perhaps it's only me who gets this excited about manifestations of the water cycle being whipped up into wave like forms by the jet streams up at 40,000 feet.
As usual you also can view the set on Flickr
As always cutting criticism and comments via email ( or
, are hugely helpful and welcome.
If you don't like something then please tell me - and try to articulate why, it is tremendously useful to have feedback like this.

Cirrocumulus & Cumulus (1)

Spiralling bullet trails (2)

Freeform sky sculpture (3)

Atmospheric surf from below, with airproof camera. (4)

Cirrocumulus, cirrostratus (5)