Sagrada Familia / by Mister Tom

I've saved this for last.

I have to say that this is probably the most jaw droppingly beautiful man made place I have been - perhaps because it's so strongly derives its form from nature. Either way, it is majestic, sublime and graceful.

So yes, I fell

a little in 

love with Gaudí while in Barca.

This photographic memory of the 'Sagra' as Alejandro refers to it, is split into two. 

Part 1. Exterior.

(tip: do this while your begrudging companions que for you - that gives you a good 15-20mins uninterrupted shooting off peak times)

I looked for something particular to focus on when photographing the outside from all sides. I found myself particularly drawn to the gossamer-like trappings of the scaffolding cocooning those parts still in construction, so I directed my attention at the beauty of the incompleteness of this edifice rising from the ground. Piece by piece, a squat and solid object becoming more  filligrous

(yeah that's not a word)

as it rises beneath it's attentive spider like cranes which, impossibly fine, seem to spin the soaring stone by first wrapping in metal and wood, then silk, to emerge fully formed and ornate.

Part 2. Interior.

(I walked around slowly at least twice :-) Sorry touts de Madjarovi.)

Inside I was a little blown away but gathered myself enough to alternate trying to capture the nature like qualities of the construction and the vast complexity of it all with wide angle shots, and documenting details with a longer lens. The way the light interacted with the faceted stone walls, columns and roof was just fantastic. How a mind can conceive all this is beyond me.

As usual you also can view the set on Flickr

As always cutting criticism and comments via email ( or 


, are hugely helpful and welcome.

PART 1. Exterior

Cocooning Sagra 1

Cocooning Sagra 1

Cocooning Sagra 2

Cocooning Sagra 2

Cocooning Sagra 3

Cocooning Sagra 3

Cocooning Sagra 4

Cocooning Sagra 4

Cocooning Sagra 5

Cocooning Sagra 5

PART 2. Interior.


2.1 Gracies

Sacred Clearing

2.2 Sacred Clearing


2.3 Ceiling

Forest of Columns

2.4 Forest of Columns

Upper reaches of the branches

2.5 Upper reaches of the branches

Untitled Column

2.6 Untitled Column


2.7 Faceted

To the Glory of Light

2.8 To the Glory of Light

To the Glory of Colour

2.9 To the Glory of Colour

Colossal Sculpture

2.10 Colossal Sculpture