2013.11.11 TEDxBRS 2013 Failure
Since joining the incredible team of volunteers behind TEDx Bristol last May, I ended up organising the stills team for the day and sourcing photographers.
The event in Colston Hall sold out and great fun was had by all. The topic of the talks was FAILURE.
I covered mainstage from the balcony (only the stalls were filled with the 1000 delegates so I had plenty of room to run about).
was on speaker portraits, Kenneth Shaw covered audience photos and second MainStage camera.
was front of house and backstage to get a feel of the atmosphere. A really great team of cameras - looking forward to working with them again. I also got Jackson Kingsley from
involved to do backstage filming.
Shooting all day for this sort of event was tremendous fun, there were one or two more hairy talks for me where I changed lens about 5 times - but aside from a definite need now to go and save for a Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS to handle low light better, and dream of a newer sensor than in the 7D, I feel it went great.
As always cutting criticism and comments via email (tomglendinning.photography@gmail.com) or facebook, are hugely helpful and welcome.
If you don't like something then please, tell me - Also try to articulate why, it is tremendously useful to have constructive, critical feedback. You can view my full portfolio, contact and pricing information on my WEBSITE - tomglendinning.co.uk