Last April I went to Paris.
This blog post is testament to my usual mess of personal project backlogs. The Paris - Architecture set is still in creation as well…
Similar to when I visited Barcelona I marvelled in Paris the proliferation of human life and business taking place outdoors. In Barca it was all about the squares and boulevards. In Paris everything seemingly takes place on the street, or where there are cars - lining the pavements.
My official line on candid street photography:
I enjoy making candid photography, capturing natural behaviour unbeknownst to the subject, and being an invisible eye onto the poetry of ordinary lives. Cartier-Bresson is my idol in this field of photography, where you must find a calm, unassuming confidence to be able to dissolve into the crowd.
Appearing, taking the photograph, hiding: his style of unmeditated, spontaneous photography has greatly influenced my attitude and purpose
I find it rare however that I am in a position to spend time on street photography in a place which inspires me - cities can feel so dull and flat at times, especially in England I feel at times that every person separates themselves from the crowd and hurries from box to box.
The results of the trip broke down into 5 sets:
Movement - literally ‘Removal’
As always cutting criticism and comments via email ( or facebook , are hugely helpful and welcome.




