4. 12/7/13
"In the evening we go protesting again, this time a slightly different route which passes the be cathedral … and also centres on the 'occupy Sofia' surrounding a war statue opposite the parliament building. As before we meet fun and enthusiastic people willing to talk, but there are loads more this time (no rain) [numbers dwindle later on but the first march around the route was pretty big] and many more police lining the route. All is peaceful (if loud) and we see several times policemen happily posing for photos with protesters or smiling and chatting away, evidently pleased with the whole affair [nb: not all like this, but enough to be noticeable and affect the mood they might otherwise create.]
Most heartening is that with little or no central organisation, every person out on the streets has made a personal choice and effort to join and come every evening."
[I feel that the protests have already had an essential impact besides the political goals: They have called on everyone who (like Bobby) felt that they were in a small minority in opposing the government and the way things are in the country, brought them together and shown them to be bright, positive and many.]
"…also we bump into the German guys again - pure coincidence! Bobby's sign gets a good many photographs and nods of approval, and I take more care with my photos so hopefully I will have better results."
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As always cutting criticism and comments via email (tomglendinning.photography@gmail.com) or
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If you don't like something then please, tell me - Also try to articulate why, it is tremendously useful to have constructive, critical feedback.

1 Occupy

2 Coverage


4 Examples

5 Start them Young






11 Ostavka !!!

12 Protest Sale Now On!







19 EU Support for protests